Friday, February 2, 2007

Script Part 2

Chapter Three: Whores and Bores
Chris Narrating: Well, at the school you had the various misfits; You had your geeks, jocks, preps, and Brandon. Now Brandon would easily fit into the class of a geek; but he was a level 99 geek with an armor grade of 56 and the master sword as his weapon. He was short, fat, and liked to pretend he was a dog at recess. Now, we usually wouldn't talk to people like him but today was different he had the best Pokemon card in the school. The limited edition Charizard. We needed to have it.
Chris: Hey Brandon, I see you have a Charizard; thats amazing.
Brandon: Yeah I had to buy 59 packs to find it but I did.
Adam: Yeah what would you trade for it?
Brandon: No card will do.
TT: How about we get you a girl?
Brandon: Yes; but it will have to be a most foxy one.
Adam: TT there is no way he can get a girl; I mean he'll have a 6-roll, when I have a 6-pack.
TT: Now Adam do you want the card or not?
Adam: Okay.
Chris: So Brandon, what girl do you want?
Brandon: I want Hannah Wineland
Chris: But....okay... A date with Hannah Wineland.
TT: Chris, you made the right choice; I mean Hannah has cuties.
Chris: Yeah....
Adam: So how are we gonna set up a date.
Chris: I think I know a way...

Chapter Four: Setting up the date; and a world of hate.Chris Narrating: Well I knew it was gonna be hard but we had to have that card.
Chris: Hey Hannah!
Hannah: Hey Chris, or should I call you Sex Master?
Chris: Chris is fine...hey; Could you do me a favor?
Hannah: Maybe, what is that?
Chris: How about you go on a date with Brandon; I'll give you ten bucks and after the date just tell him, "Your not my type"; and then maybe next week we could go see a movie?
Hannah: Well if thats the only way I can date you; then okay.

The Next Day:
Brandon: Wow, tonight is the date; Here is the Charizard.
Chris: Thanks, good luck on your date.
Brandon: I don't need luck since, I have the Master Sword!
TT: What a loser....
Chris Narrating: I now know what Brandon meant by Master Sword; He had a humongous penis; and thank god he didn't whip it out that night. He now goes by the name Ron Jeremy, you may have heard of him.

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